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Noise control

The project Noise control in the aluminium industry started 1st April 2005 and
will be terminated 30th April 2012.  Participating companies:

  • Alcan á Íslandi
  • Alcoa Norway
  • Hydro Aluminium
  • Kubikenborg Aluminium
  • Norđurál (to 31st December 2007)
  • Sřr-Norge Aluminium
  • Vigeland Metal Refinery

Hearing damage has become the number one cause for reporting health related diseases to
the authorities in Norway. There are indications that other countries experience the same. 
Against that background it is under AMS’ direction agreed a common effort to work against
hearing damages and to accomplish this project in noise prevention.

Contents of the project

The project was organised with a project group with participants from the member companies,
a representative from Hydro Olje & Energi and expert of noise from Lifetec AS.

This website on noise control describes methods for accomplishment of noise reducing measures.
This is reference work and help for those that work within the noise field
The database of experience is updated frequently.

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