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Measuring methods

The project Harmonising of measuring methods (work environment)
 Step 1 – Survey
was accomplished in 2001/2002.  The aim of the project was to make a common general view for through this to form the basis of possible harmonising and common development of methods and  equipment.


  1. Measurement of work environment
    A survey of which types of measurement of work environment, which the different smelters are doing and how they are executed, is accomplished.

    A comparison of the manner on how the measurements of work environment are executed was also done.  When it comes to measurement of personal exposure (long-range and short time measurements) for dust and gas one found that these were executed in such a way that they are comparable and a harmonising is not necessary.
  2. Development of equipment
    A piece of work was done to find out whether direct-showing equipment exists, which can increase the efficiency of the measurements.  Some equipment is available at the market,  but it is not suitable as replacement for the routine-based personal exposure measurements, which are done on dust and gas.
  3. Inclusion of external environment
    The project concluded also that there was a need to do a corresponding survey and comparison on external environmental measurements.  In this field continuous measuring equipment also exists which can be used to increase the efficiency and improve the measurements.


The project Harmonising of measuring methods (external environment)
started 1st May 2002 and terminated at 30th June 2012. 
Participating companies:

  • Alcan á Íslandi
  • Alcoa Fjarđaál (from 1st January 2008)
  • Alcoa Mosjřen
  • Hydro Aluminium
  • Kubikenborg Aluminium
  • Norđurál (to 31st December 2007)
  • Sřr-Norge Aluminium
  • Vigeland Metal Refinery

During the survey of measuring methods on work environment a coarse comparison of effluent to external environment was done.  A need for survey and co-ordination was found in this field.  In addition modern analysis equipment monitoring the effluent continuously from the pot rooms is now available.  Changeover to report from these monitors should also be co-ordinated.

Part 1 (terminated)

  1. Comparison of effluent measurement to air and water.
    A starting point in the work, which is done in Hydro Aluminium, can be taken and the rest of the plants in AMS can be included.
  2. Different kinds of monitors are on the market.  Find out what kind of equipment one can use to monitor the effluent.

Part 2 (terminated)

  1. Harmonise measuring methods for external environment if that is needed.
  2. How to perform the transfer from manual measuring to use of monitors.
  3. How to report by using monitors.  That means identical routines on calibration, control measurements, limits of accept and similar matters.

Part 3 (terminated)
Optical methods for measuring emission to the air

  1. Exchange of experience with measuring equipment for emission to air and water. Particular stress will be laid on optical methods for measuring emission of gases and dust in ventilation air and in treated and untreated gases from the pots.
  2. Status when it comes to optical online equipment to measure concentrations of gases and dust in air and register methods to measure quantity of air.
  3. Simplify and improve control and basis for reporting to the authorities.

Guidance in optical measuring of emission to air from aluminium plants is made in Norwegian and may be loaded down here.


Part 4
New technology in measuring amount of ventilation air out from potrooms

Produce recommendations about new technology in measuring ventilation air out from potrooms.

Part 5 (terminated)
Statistical methods in calculating emission. Pre-project.

  1. Building up skill
  2. Clarify requirements and work scheme in connection with a continuation

Part 6 (terminated)
Emission to air from potrooms – measurement of amount of air and calculation of uncertainty (continuation of part projects 4 and 5)

2 – 3 plants with natural ventilation are chosen as case plants. Data will be obtained from these plants through measurements in addition to the plants own measurements of amount of air and components of pollution.  This will be used in the statistical analysis for calculation of uncertainty.

Part 7 (terminated)
Emissions to the air from potrooms – testing of new measuring methods (continuation of part project 6)

On the basis of the cases in part 6 a recommendation on simplified methods to measure emission to air from natural ventilated potrooms is to be drawn up. Simplified methods will require less resources than the methods used today.

Emission to air from pot rooms - Summary

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