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Covariance of aerosols and the gases HF, SO2 og CO in working atmosphere of primary aluminium production
started 1st July 2009 and was terminated 31st December 2011. 
Final report (in Norwegian) may be loaded here.

Participating companies:

  • Alcan á Íslandi
  • Alcoa Fjarðaál
  • Alcoa Norway
  • Hydro Aluminium
  • Kubikenborg Aluminium
  • Sør-Norge Aluminium
  • Vigeland Metal Refinery

By means of online sensors to find a probable covariance (factor) between HF, SO2 and CO.

A Norwegian portable online instrument for determination of HF in the atmosphere is newly developed and will be used simultaneously with a spectrometer for determination of concentration of aerosols in the atmosphere together with electrochemical, portable sensors for determination of both SO2 and CO. These sensors (HF and aerosol) will simultaneously be used by application of newly developed PIMEX equipment for visual observation and documentation of possible covariance of air pollution by different work operations in prebake and possibly Søderberg potrooms.  Practical measurements and selection of job functions/tasks must be arranged with the actual plant so that the survey is adjusted local conditions and that the most current job tasks are chosen.

Totally 2 weeks are calculated for field work with measurements at fixed job functions/tasks in both Søderberg and prebaked potrooms. It is planned to accomplish this within the end of September 2009.

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