In addition NKIF (Norwegian union for employees) has contributed financially in the project.
The fundamental idea of the project was to use the resource and knowledge which the safety overseers and safety deputies represent at the plants. The safety overseers have been local project leaders in the period. A quotation from a summing up of Elkem Aluminium Lista describes in a perfect way the idea of the whole project.
Quotation The form of the project is very good within the safety work. The idea to engage the safety deputies and people "on the floor" for themselves to come forward with potential for improvements is the essence in the work. To be a part in creating improvements is stimulating and gives a unique ownership to the problems, which traditionally have been the management's "forefinger preach" down through the hierarchy. The enthusiasm and eagerness to take part to contribute, I do not hope is the last time I experience, but the conditions and suppositions must be put right to be able to break loose the creativity. End of quotation.
A PIM (Project Information Manual) was drawn up as a steering document for the project. During the project period systematic local and central project meetings have been carried out. The subjects at the meetings have been:
Ideas, action plans, enterprises and conclusion.
At the start of the project a number of factors of success were listed. These have been the framework in the project:
- Show attitude
supposition – experience
- Rules/procedures
- Management
drive – strong – visible – credible
- Training
all levels – others
- Audits according to SHES standard
external – internal
- Focus on details
- Create greater trust
- Risk analysis
- More focus on near miss accidents
With the factors of success as basis many enterprises have been carried out locally. Two videos have been jointly produced which have been shown to all the employees. Titles:
- Who stops you?
- Never forget……
The enterprises have totally for AMS given a pleasing result.
Results – H1 value (lost time accidents per million work hours) was at the start of the project in 1998 11,6 . Reports in January 2001 show a H1 value of 2,6.
Days lost in the annual report from December 1997 showed 1742 days. Days lost in the annual report of 2000 show 522 days. This gives an improvement of 1220 days in the project period.
The number of lost time accidents was at the start (1998) 119. In 2000 45 lost time accidents were registered. The measurement in January (2001) showed 9 (of 11) member plants with 0 lost time accidents.
If we compare the period 1995 – 1997 with the period 1998 – 2000, the project has saved 4,9 mill. NOK.
We have experienced that to keep the focus over such a long period as 3 years, can be difficult. For new projects of the same type it will be reasonable to shorten the time lap.
The potential in gaining experience and comparing the participating plants between themselves was not made the most of.
The network which has grown during the project, has been – and will be – to invaluable use in the work to come.
Ongoing work – The monthly report on lost time accidents will continue.